We'd like to encourage believers to meet up one to one to study God's Word, share and pray.
We believe that we all need to feeding on God's Word. We do that as we gather Sunday by Sunday to hear God's Word read, sung and taught. We do that in our small groups too, but it can be very precious to do that one to one with another believer. Typically this might look like meeting up for breakfast, lunch or coffee and reading through a portion of a Bible book over a period of weeks or months, discussing its meaning and application and praying for one another.
In Ephesians 4 we learn that as God's Word is taught Sunday by Sunday, we are all being equipped to serve one another so that we can speak the truth about Christ and the gospel in love, caring for one another. Studying God's Word one to one is a great way of speaking the truth in love and growing in Christian maturity.
If you would like to meet up with somebody to do this why don't you ask you one of the elders to suggest somebody you could meet up with. If you want to talk about this further, drop the pastor a line on : [email protected]. If you are meeting up with somebody to study and pray, do mention it to one of the elders, firstly that encourages us and secondly it helps us to keep a maintain a healthy pastoral oversight within the church family.
Some useful resources
The first three books in this list are about studying one to one or in small groups. The fourth recommendation is a link to lots of good little booklets with a study guide for individual books of the Bible and the last link is a two age guide or toolkit for studying a Bible text. It can be downloaded for free.
One to One, a discipleship handbook, Sophie Dewitt Peace - amazon.fr | amazon.com
One to One Bible Reading - a simple guide for every Christian, David Helm - amazon.fr | amazon.com