We are an international church that gathers Christians from many places and many backgrounds and all who love the Lord Jesus and all want to find out more about the Lord Jesus are welcome at our gatherings. This does not mean however that we are content to live by lowest common denominator in our beliefs. We love the Word of God and we want to be more and more grounded in biblical truth., Together as a church family, we want to learn, by the Spirit, to know and love our heavenly Father more deeply and to follow his Son more faithfully.
As a church we adhere to the Baptist Faith and Message 2000. It is our benchmark, but that doesn't mean that you have to agree with every jot and tittle to belong to our fellowship and serve. On becoming a member, something that we want all believers who are with us even for a short while to consider, you will have the opportunity to talk about how your beliefs align or not with our confession of faith.